January 2, 2009

Quotes from a 3 year old

"MOM! we CAN'T take the decorations down! I don't want to ruin Christmas! (stern sing-song here) Mom, Santa will be mad."

With folded arms and a big pout, "Santa just bringed me a BOX!" upon unwrapping a gift, to find a plain brown box which needed to be opened to disclose what the gift really was. This has since become the thing to say whenever opening something in a plain box at our house.

On the way to preschool one morning:
"Mom, if you kill me, you will be sad." To which I asked if she was scared of mommy...,"Nope, but you will be sad if you kill me." "sweety, mommy would never kill you.", "yeah, you would be sad." Let me tell you, this one gave me shivers! I was thinking I needed to call a psychologist, but no need for alarm here! I had thought about it all that day, and remembered later that I had told the boys to please be quiet so I wouldn't crash the car and kill everyone...as we drove on icy roads into the blinding sunrise.

While listening to Eartha Kitt's "Santa Baby" on the radio..."Mom? How do santa babies get down the chimney? They can't even WALK!"

"Dad! You're not a doctor!". After being told 'no more monkeys jumping on the bed'.

1 comment:

Photosnappinmama said...

They say the best things don't they!? I keep track of everything my son says, he's three as well.